Outdoor Gear
Fishing Gear Rentals
You booked your time off from work, rented a fishing or inflatable boat, and now is the time to rent fishing gear for the ultimate weekend getaway. With Exclusive Sport Rentals, you can rent professional and well-maintained fishing equipment at reasonable rates. Take your family or friends out for a day full of joy at one of the lakes or rivers of Ontario, and catch the fish you have always wanted to catch using quality fishing rental gear. Our rental fishing package includes: rod and reel hooks, fishing gloves, net, sinkers, casting lures and more.
Archery Equipment Rentals
Always wanted to shoot an arrow from a bow but didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars for a professional bow? With Exclusive Sport Rentals you can rent a bow and arrows for a day, weekend or a full week and fulfil your dream of being a modern-day Robin Hood. Our archery equipment is also great if you are planning a hunting trip! Our archery rental equipment includes: compound bows, crossbows, crossbows scopes, targets, arrows and shafts.
Camping Gear Rentals
Planning a camping trip but don’t have the necessary camping gear? Now you have the opportunity to rent all the required camping gear! Enjoy a camping trip anywhere in Ontario and make memories that will last a lifetime. Our camping gear rental includes: coolers, cooking and lighting equipment, portable stoves, 3 season tents, tarts, screen houses, inflatable mattresses, electrical pumps, cots and backpacks.
Hunting Rental Boats
This fall, why not to do something memorable such as fishing and hunting? Explore the lakes of Ontario with our aluminum rental boats. Our hunting rental boats are well-maintained and easy-to-use, allowing you and your family or friends the opportunity to explore the lakes of Ontario and enjoy the beautiful scenes of nature without being worried about the storage or maintenance of the boats during the off-season.
Hunting Gear Rentals
Are you planning a hunting trip but don't have the necessary hunting gear? Why spend hundreds of dollars on a single hunting trip when you can rent all the required hunting gear from us. Enjoy the hunting experience anywhere in Ontario and make memories that will last a lifetime with our hunting rental gear!
Hiking Equipment Rentals
This summer, why not to do something memorable with the family? Take the whole family for a backcountry adventure anywhere in Ontario! For a true hiking experience you will need equipment such as: hiking poles, binoculars, portable chairs, compass, portable stove, tents, headlamps, sleeping bags, gaiters, ropes and hiking backpacks.
Outboard Motor Rentals
Why not go fishing or hunting with a boat and an outboard motor? We offer different outboard motors to fit your upcoming trip! Rent a Mercury outboard motor for a day, weekend or a full week and head for an adventure anywhere in Ontario, including Lake St. Joseph, Minnitaki Lake, Eagle Lake, Red Lake, Whitefish Lake, Rice Lake, Lakes Simcoe, Buckhorn Lake, Lake Scugog, Lake Nipigon or Shoal Lake. So why limit yourself to a certain location when renting a fishing boat and Mercury motor out of a marine, when you use our outboard motor rentals wherever your heart desires.
Thule Cargo Boxes
Camping season is fast approaching! You booked your time off from work, reserved a campsite in Ontario, bought groceries, and then you realize that you have too many items in your vehicle. Instead of bringing less camping equipment, rent one of our universal Thule cargo roof boxes and fit all of our camping supplies, hiking and fishing gear with a peace of mind. Our Thule cargo boxes will accommodate whatever you’re bringing with you.
Outdoor Related Accessories
If you would like to enjoy the weekend within the comfort of your own home, then why not bring the camping experience to your own backyard? With Exclusive Sport Rentals, you can rent fire pits, steel hammock stands or even Muskoka chairs. Our outdoor fireplaces are durable, unique and stylish, creating a cozy night. Our steel hammock stands and the cedar Adirondack chairs will allow you to enjoy the evening just as you would if you were at the campsite. Why travel to a campsite anywhere in Ontario when you can bring the camping experience to your own backyard?